Zwitserse kwaliteit, weefsel banden van wereldklasse

Op weefsel gebaseerde transport- en procesbanden worden in een groot aantal industrieën en toepassingen gebruikt. Het uitgebreide aanbod van Habasit strekt zich uit van lichtgewicht transportbanden tot gespecialiseerde procesbanden en van aandrijfriemen tot machineriemen.
Elke Habasit oplossing wordt met hoge precisie gemaakt en zet de norm voor prestaties in de banden industrie. We garanderen de betrouwbaarheid en flexibiliteit van onze oplossingen door grondstoffen van topkwaliteit te combineren met state-of-the-art productie en onze uitgebreide engineering ervaring.

Weefseltransportband oppervlakken

Conveying surfaces feature a wide range of different structures to meet the demands of applications in the market. To learn about the various Habasit surface structures and their properties, just select the core features.
Afwisselende zaagtandstructuur
Gevlochten mandstructuur
Gepolijste afwerking
Grove textielstructuur
Kegeltop structuur
Halve maan structuur
Cilindrische knopstructuur
Diagonale ruitvormige positieve structuur
Diagonale golfstructuur
Elliptische netstructuur (negatief)
Fijne textielstructuur / Fijne weving reliëf
Visgraat structuur
Glanzend oppervlak
Grip structuur
Harlekijn structuur (diamant patroon)
Geïmpregneerd vlies
Geïmpregneerd weefsel
Negatieve piramidestructuur
Sinusgolf gripstructuur
Lengtegroef structuur
Mat, doffe afwerking
Non-woven (vlies) structuur
Positieve halve bol structuur
Quadrillé (vierhoekig patroon)
Zandstraal afwerking
Zaagtandprofiel (grote) structuur
Zaagtandprofiel structuur
Vlak, glad
Slangenhuid structuur
Vierkant structuur
Supermatte afwerking
Supergrip oppervlak
Traan structuur
Wafel structuur

Wat is nieuw?

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How to prevent unplanned production stops during e-commerce peak season

As one of the biggest shopping days in the calendar, Black Friday marks the start of a festive shopping frenzy. However, while manufacturers may enjoy a spike in sales, the strain of increased demand can amplify existing supply chain problems. Adriano Parmesani, Industry Segment Manager Distribution Centers, discusses the preventative measures plants can take to keep their conveyor belts running smoothly during the e-commerce peak season.
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Innovation in action at Tire Technology Expo 2022

Habasit tire industry solutions: outstanding quality, proven innovation, and true customization
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Visit us at Motek

Visit us at Motek in Stuttgart from October 5th to 8th. Hall 3, booth 3330
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Understanding friction

Recently I was asked to investigate an issue with an installation that was getting too hot due to excess friction. This can be a common problem, and so it is helpful to understand the factors involved. In this blog I will explain how friction is created and how it can be measured.
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How to determine the dimensions of conveyor and power transmission belts

What are k1%, kadm, and peripheral force? One can feel they are reading a new language when trying to determine the significance of these words, but in today’s blog I will translate their meaning and discuss the implications of each one.
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How to reduce friction on conveyors with a nosebar (knife edge)

Conveyors with one or two nosebars (knife edges) consume more power than conveyors with bearing pulleys. That’s a given. But we also regularly receive questions about a drive that slips, or motors that overheat and turn off. These problems may be caused by friction between the static nosebar and the tensioned belt. To deal with this, we need to know how friction occurs.

Factoring belting and conveyor components into food safety strategy - Webinar

Click to listen to the webinar
Verhalen van klanten

High lateral rigidity of PNB-12EITO prevents tracking problems

Verhalen van klanten

Changing to NAQ-10ELBV yields 30-40 hours less downtime annually


Habasit Cleanline with cleats

Food industry applications require belts offering excellent release, efficient and easy cleanability, and chemical and hydrolysis resistance for wet and humid environments. TPO belts fit the bill exactly. But until now, food producers have had to use a different type of belt for steeper incline or decline applications due to limitations on adding the accessories necessary for transferring loose products at an angle. Now there is a solution: Habasit® Cleanline belts equipped with cleats for inclines/declines, enabling the same standardized cleaning processes and shorter overall sanitation times.

Belt-friendly TPU scraper bar

Belt scrapers are used on food processing lines to meet several process challenges. With the introduction of its new TPU scraper bar, Habasit is further improving the benefits this essential component brings to food processors.
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F-5EXCT belt with 427 holes for vacuum application


The Sound of Future

The Austrian bell foundry Grassmayr proves that the traditional trade has nothing to do with its old fashioned image. They revive a centuries-old business with a new technology using Habasit fabric belts.