Ring spinning machine: 1 belt – 20 engines – 1968 spindles

A Turkish yarn processor, producing 100% cotton yarn in this ring spinning machine, was challenged by the delamination problem of the existing tangential belts that were installed as an original equipment on the new ring spinning machines. All of them ran for only 3 months and got delaminated. Despite the fact that the OEM delivered another 30 belts under warranty, the customer contacted Habasit for a better solution.
The belt must be very flexible to bend around small pulleys and has to guarantee to transfer the requested peripheral force without showing elongation problems. No elongation will enable a very constant spindle Rpm along the full machine. A high joining quality is a must in order to offer a long service life time, of a minimum of 1 year. A very precise fabrication is needed to achieve excellent belt tracking.
TC-25EFQ has proven in all important textile countries that it is very well suited for the application as a tangential belt for these ring spinning machines because:
• it prevents delamination problems,
• belt elongation, and
• Rpm loss.
As a result, it enables a very precise yarn quality. The test belt TC-25EFQ is still running 9 months after installation and the customer is very satisfied with its performance. Thus, they purchased 10 more belts; 9 of them had already been installed by replacing part of the old belts.
This case with a leading yarn producer represents a good reference for other ring spinning machines.