
1946 年,一对年轻的企业家夫妇 Fernand 和 Alice Habegger 在瑞士巴塞尔注册了公司 Habasit。故事由此开始。他们看到了工业皮带行业对高质量合成传动带和输送带的需求,让工业皮带在机器上装配起来更容易、更安全。七十多年过去了,他们对完美的不懈追求依然鼓舞着我们。
我们满怀好奇心和渴望,敏锐地预测未来趋势,不断通过创新方法改进客户的流程。如今,Habasit 的客户可获得最优质的产品和量身定制的全面解决方案,这得益于我们遍及全球 70 多个国家/地区的 3.800 多名员工以及服务和分销合作伙伴。
2010 - 2020

新定位调整 - 市场方向

Habasit 继续在国际上发展并扩大专业知识和能力,以满足客户流程的需求。

1990 - 2009

优化阶段- 科学和专业的稳定

在优化阶段,Habasit 发展并加强了国际销售网络,并关注生态和环境保护。

1966 - 1989

整合阶段 - 全球扩张

1946 - 1965

开拓阶段- 创新和建设

开始是使用 PVC 进行开发,后来又加入了聚酰胺。我们必须解决使用这些新合成材料存在的相关困难(软化剂迁移、分层、胶合等)。对于这种新机器元件的销售,工业皮带接圆和皮带计算都是非常重要的因素。  

Habasit 重要事蹟

Habasit celebrates 75 years of keeping industries in motion News

Habasit celebrates 75 years

Habasit was founded in Basel, Switzerland, in 1946, by Fernand and Alice Habegger. Today, after 75 years of pioneering innovation and dedicated customer focus, the family firm’s network of long-term partnerships with customers, OEMs and distributors spans over 70 countries worldwide. Habasit’s high-quality materials, proven technologies, and engineering excellence deliver outstanding reliability and long lifetimes. Drawing on its specialists’ in-depth industry expertise, Habasit provides a broad range of customized belting solutions and technologies that cut maintenance costs, raise productivity and cost-efficiency, and save precious resources across a number of applications. Looking ahead to the next 75 years, Habasit will continue providing superior, sustainable and smart solutions to keep industries in motion.

Power transmission belt – a product with a long history

Just like conveyor belts, the origins and history of power transmission belts are lost in the mists of time. While we believe that the Babylonians and Assyrians used chains and cups for water-drawing machines, the earliest mention of a mechanical belt drive with a pulley machine is in a Chinese text from 15 BCE.

The history of the conveyor belt

Unlike the invention of the light bulb, the creation of the conveyor belt cannot be pinpointed to an exact date or even attributed to a specific inventor. The term “conveyor belt” stubbornly refuses to be narrowly defined. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, it is simply: “One of various devices that provide mechanized movement of material, as in a factory.” Or, to rephrase: “The technology of continuous transportation”.
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The story of Habasit

The legacy of Habasit is a story that won’t sit still. This seems fitting for a company committed to movement. Since the beginning of Habasit in Basel, Switzerland in 1946, the company has grown to become a global leader in the belting industry with over 3.700 employees working at more than 30 affiliated companies around the world.