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 HabaSYNC 타이밍 벨트는 제품 및 부품의 위치가 정확할 때에만 최적의 성능을 발휘하는 컨베이어 및 선형 이동 용도    어플리케이션에 적합한 솔루션입니다. 하바지트의 최첨단 제조 공정과 고품질 자재 거기에 다 년간의 경험을 더하면, 고객의 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있는 혁신적인 맞춤형 솔루션을 마련할 수 있습니다.

 HabaSYNC 벨트는 대체로 제품의 정확한 위치 이동 및 부품 배치가 필요한 분야에 사용됩니다. 동기화는 벨트 톱니를 일치하는 풀리에 맞물림으로써 이루어집니다. 당사 타이밍 벨트는 야드파운드법과 미터법 피치로 제공됩니다.
HabaSYNC 타이밍 벨트
green belt

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다양한 하바지트 벨트,
액세서리 및 컨베이어 부품 검색

신제품 소개

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Visit us at Motek

Visit us at Motek in Stuttgart from October 5th to 8th. Hall 3, booth 3330
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Visit us at Innovate Textile

From October 25th to 29th 2021, Habasit is exhibiting at the Innovate Textile and Apparel Virtual Trade Show
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Metric and imperial timing belts – what is the difference?

Timing belts are available in two measurements: metric (mm) and imperial (inch).
This is only a difference in measurement and not in the actual size of the belt.

Factoring belting and conveyor components into food safety strategy - Webinar

Click to listen to the webinar
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Brrrr but not brittle: finding the right timing belt for freezing applications

Frozen food is a huge and steadily growing industry in many parts of globe, offering excellent opportunities for frozen food processors. But even in an expanding market, production efficiency is key – and having the right belt is essential to this.
Customer stories

Wide timing belt with longitudinal joining for hygiene paper production

Customer stories

Pin Joint reduces downtime at tire manufacturer by 16 times

Customer stories

HabaSYNC TPU T10 Timing Belts guarantee precise positioning

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HabaSYNCtiming belt covers –Habasit‘s cherry on the cake

One crucial question when ordering at a café is: “With or without whipped cream?”. No matter if you add it on top of your hot chocolate or to your cake, for many of us, the white cream with a cherry on top makes a big difference. Just like with HabaSYNC. The Habasit timing belts have their very own cherry on top – the covers. With its range of more than 80 covers, Habasit offers tailor-made solutions for specific customer demands and has suitable covers for every industry.