Strong E-15ENME bobbin conveyor belt lasts for 16,000 operating hours in spinning machine

The customer was looking for a robust and flexible belt, which has a constant coefficient of friction and elongation of belts is excluded. It is important that the belt can collect and transport with stop and go.
The E-15ENME was selected as it is capable of delivering high class of pull and low-noise back side. It is suitable for a pulley diameter of 60mm. Low-noise back side.
E-15ENME allows a running time of at least two years and more than 16,000 operating hours. The product has an excellent price / value ratio.
Potential with the customer (entire group) per year: more than 10,000 m2 – 250k CHF. Our belts are suitable for :
• R66 (Fully Automated Rotor Spinning Machine)
• R36 (Semi-Automated Rotor Spinning Machine)
• R26 (Air-Jet Spinning Machine)